lunes, 22 de junio de 2020


1a FALSE. "The expression “square-eyes” has long been a term associated with sedentary
children who are exposed to too much television"

1b TRUE. "Some researchers believe the invention is at the vanguard of computer-integrated clothing which will allow clothes to monitor our health."

2 (Possible answers):

a) It does so by counting the number of steps a child wearing a special type of shoes take, and then sending the information to a receiver connected to the television by means of a wireless transmitter. If the number of steps is high enough, the child could be granted the possibility of watching two hours of television at most. Once the permitted time is over, the television turns itself off automatically.

b) It might help them become aware of the fact that they are leading such sedentary lives and perhaps that could prompt a change in their habits.

a) concerns
b) expired
c) device
d) bring about

a) easiest/from
b) which
c) of/has increased or has been increasing
d) watching/tries/spent