2º ESO

Trabajo para recuperar la 2ª evaluación en 2º de ESO solo para aquellos que la tengan suspensa:

- Completar las siguientes páginas del workbook y mandar fotos de las mismas:

52, 54, 55, 57, 58, 62, 63, 64, 67, 69, 74, 75, 76, 79, 81, 82, 86 y 87.

- Escribe un essay sobre el siguiente tema: Why do so many criminals commit crimes after leaving prison and what can be done to change this? (90-120 palabras). Recuerda dividirlo en párrafos y no te olvides de escribir primero un borrador.

Una foto de cada una de estas actividades resueltas deberá enviarse a uno de estos dos correos ( o antes del 15 de mayo.

Actividades para todos los alumnos de 2º de ESO hasta el 29 de mayo:

- Completar las siguientes páginas del workbook y mandar fotos de las mismas:

91, 93, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 106, 110, 111, 112, 114, 115, 117, 118, 122, 123

- Escribe un texto en el que describas a tu role model. Es el ejercicio 6a de la página 90 del student's book. (90-120 palabras). Recuerda dividirlo en párrafos y no te olvides de escribir primero un borrador.

Una foto de cada una de estas actividades resueltas deberá enviarse a uno de estos dos correos ( o antes del 29 de mayo.

La asistencia y participación en las clases online también será valorada

 1º bach

- Hacer los siguientes ejercicios de las siguientes páginas del libro de texto:
*Página 96, ejercicio 4.
*Página 97, ejercicio 3.
*Página 103, ejercicios 7 y 8.
*Página 106, todos los ejercicios salvo el 1a y el 4.
*Página 107, ejercicio 3.
*Página 111, ejercicio 5.
*Página 113, ejercicio 8a (es un writing y deberá ir en hoja aparte)

Una foto de cada una de estas actividades resueltas deberá enviarse a uno de estos dos correos ( o antes del 29 de mayo.

La asistencia y participación en las clases online también será valorada

2º bach

- Hacer los ejercicios de las páginas 159 y 160 del libro de texto.
- Completar los cuatro exámenes de EVAU con sus correspondientes redacciones que serán publicados en la sección correspondiente a 2º de bachillerato del blog

Una foto de cada una de estas actividades resueltas deberá enviarse a uno de estos dos correos ( o En el caso de los exámenes EVAU estos se enviarán antes de la fecha que se determine para su corrección en la clase virtual.

La asistencia y participación en las clases online también será valorada


New Requirement!!! Now the use of a pasword is required when you access our meetings. This password will be this one in all cases:  2ZHXed

Note for 1st Bach and 2nd Bach: as we said in the previous webinars and blog posts, there has been a rescheduling of some of the dates so there are new links associated with them. Please check below in the space allotted to your level.

Remember you need to have your books and homework at hand for the meetings.

The details for each course are below:

2nd ESO C and D

New Requirement!!! Now the use of a pasword is required when you access our meetings. This password will be this one in all cases:  2ZHXed

Every day, from Tuesday to Friday at 11:00 AM.

Paste this link to enter:
Meeting ID: 794 5900 0629

1st Bachillerato B

New Requirement!!! Now the use of a pasword is required when you access our meetings. This password will be this one in all cases:  2ZHXed

You will have to enter a different link depending on the day of the week we are having it. 

Every Monday, from April 20, 2020, 10:05 to 11.00 AM.

Paste this link to enter:

Meeting ID: 784 6404 4839

Every Wednesday, from April 22, 2020, 10:05 to 11.00 AM.

Paste this link to enter:

Meeting ID: 737 8048 0664

Every Thursday, from April 23, 2020, 09:10 to 10.05 AM

Paste this link to enter:

Meeting ID: 788 9370 9723

2nd Bachillerato D

New Requirement!!! Now the use of a pasword is required when you access our meetings. This password will be this one in all cases:  2ZHXed

You will have to enter a different link depending on the day of the week we are having it.

For all the webinars on Monday at 11.00 AM, this is the link:

Meeting ID: 771 5511 0949

For all the webinars on Wednesday at 12.00 AM, this is the link:

Meeting ID: 774 7223 2423

For all the webinars on Thursday at 10.05 AM, this is the link:

Meeting ID: 740 9656 8758


As the situation changes every moment and now it seems it is going to be long, I have changed a bit the rules for handing in the homework:

Please send a photo of your exercises to my email if you want me to count them already as "homework for the third term". The answers to the exercises will be posted here this Friday (20th March), so it is advisable to send them before that date. The exercises will not be corrected individually so you will have to check in the blog that your answers are correct. As in class, just by actually doing your homework -not necessarily with perfect answers- you will have that point. However, the written exercises will be corrected individually if you send me a photo- and for these ones there is no deadline: you can send them any time you are done with them.

Important announcement: as the Educamadrid e-mail address is giving problems I attach another one to contact me for questions or problems:


2nd ESO

1- Workbook pages 86 and 87 (vocabulary and grammar review).

2- Workbook pages 124, 125 and 126. "King Arthur". Do exercises one to seven (except exercise 5a, which is a listening exercise).

3- Workbook pages 126, 127 and 128. "An Adventure at Brownville". Read the extracts and do exercises one to seven (except exercise 5a, which is a listening exercise).

4- Read "The Giver", by Lois Lowry (it will be the compulsory book for the third term). It can be found on PDF online but I recommend buying it as the text is still under copyright. It has about 180 pages, so my advice is start working on it soon.

     You will have to hand in an assignment based on the book on the first day you come back to school. You will have to do this with each chapter:

- Find five words that you did not understand or that are interesting and give a definition in English.

- Write a short summary of the chapter in no more than six lines.

The assignment should have a cover with the title and a drawing based on the book's themes.

1st Bach

1- Do the following exercises on page 82 of your books: 1, 2, 3 and 5.

2- Pages 86-87. Do exercise 4. 

3- Pages 90-91 (writing). Do exercises 4, 5a, 7 and the writing proposed in 8 (to be handed in as soon as classes restart).

4- Read the short story Weekend, by Fay Weldon. No assigment about it is required but it will be included in the contents for the exam of Text typology for the third term.

5- Go to the blog on this link  Then click on the tag 1st Bachillerato 3rd term and read and study the posts there in preparation for the Text typology test. One of them includes an activity to be written.

6- Write a review of the film "The Killing", which we viewed in class in the previous days (220-260 words). If for any justified absence you were not there to watch the complete film, you can choose the other film watched in class, "The Elephant Man".

2nd Bach

1- Go to the blog on this link  Then click on the tag 2nd Bachillerato 3rd term and read and study the posts there. Some of the posts are about text typology: read through them and study them in preparation for the text typology test. Other two posts are PAU (EVAU) exams. Do the exams as explained in the posts. If the situation of no school attendance persisted beyond the two weeks announced, please send me a photo of the EVAU exams with their writings. Some people have already done so and they already got their feedback and the point of homework. Otherwise, everything will be checked for the homework mark and corrected in class.

2- Do exercises of the book on pages 133 and 134. They will be checked as homework. The answers to these exercises have already been posted on this blog. However, if you send me a photo of them done in your books, you will get the point of homework already.

3-  Do exercises A, C, E and G of the book on pages 130 and 131. G is a writing and needs to be handed in separately as soon as classes restart or, better, you can send me a photo as soon as you have it.

Select the tag for your level: (for example: 2nd ESO 3rd term). Tags are on the right hand column under the heading "etiquetas".